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Do You Need Passport Number To Book International Flight?

Is It Necessary to Have Passport Number While Booking a Flight for International Destination

As for the booking of an international flight, more preparation and information must be gathered than when making a flight within the country. The prime distinction is that you need a passport to cross the international borders when you are traveling. This leads us to another question – do you have to give your passport number at the time of making an international flight reservation? The answer is maybe. Below is the breakdown of what you need to know.

It is not the case that airlines want your passport number to keep track of which seat you are going to sit in or which meal you are going to eat.

Airlines request passport details for a few important reasons:Airlines request passport details for a few important reasons:

To establish identity and legal capacity – Your passport confirms your identity and that you have the legal power to do so. Passport details can be collected from a customer during the booking and reservation process to check whether a passenger is genuine or a fraudster or has booked under a fake identity to travel.

To meet legal requirements – Different countries have provided the law that demands that airlines capture some of the passenger data such as the passport numbers to pass to immigration departments. For instance, the United States government has since included its security program where airlines are obliged to offer Advance Passenger Information.

For ticketing – International tickets normally require association with a particular passenger on the basis of passport numbers. It is a good idea to note that you can sometimes purchase tickets without your passport information but may be required to provide the information to get the electronic ticket.

When Booking Flights Online

Most airline websites for instance nowadays make it possible for you to buy international tickets without type in passport data right at that instant. This allows one to search flight options before one is required to put in his or her details.

However, to generate a ticket for the international flight, details such as passport number for each traveler must be provided at some stage before finalizing the ticket. Depending on the airline, you’ll be notified when your passport data is required most often when you are on the final step before payment.

Other third party hotelling companies such as Expedia or Orbitz also allow users to search for available fares before you enter your passport number. However, as it will be in the case when you book directly, personal details including passport data of all passengers are required to finalize the international purchase.

Sometimes, there could be a possibility to enter the passport information after the booking or after leaving the site. The airline may subsequently email you requesting additional information. However, when the required data is not offered, your booking may be canceled if the passport numbers are still missing beyond the airline’s cutoff date.

The only time you may be required to provide the Identification at check-in is when you are a foreigner visiting the country.

Although you may be able to secure a ticket with an international airline without providing your passport information at the time of the reservation think about it this way; you definitely have to provide passport identification when you go to check in for your flight on the day of departure. International traveling whether by air requires that your identify is verified both by the airline and the immigration agency of the destination country.

Each passenger has to present a genuine passport that contains at least one booklet that complies with the entry requirements of the country of destination at the time of checking-in for the flight. But mere number on the passport is not enough, you have to present the original copy of the passport at the time of check-in.

Minors and Infants

What about passport rules with regard to children and infants flying to other countries? The rules on domestic travel are more liberal especially when it comes to children who may not have I. D. documents such as passports. Nevertheless, other countries have laid down some serious measures that need to be taken to have an access into their countries.

Most if not all kids, irrespective of their age need to have valid passports when they are travelling by air across international borders. It is important to note that some countries have certain regulatory measures that allow them to demand passports and other essential travel documents from infants, depending on the specific country being visited.

They need to ensure that the passport of every member of his/her family will meet the requirements of the country he/she intends to visit. Ensure the clients include passport details of all passengers, including infants, at the earliest possible time during the booking process.

Is it Possible to Complete the Booking Without Entering the Passports Number?

Certain passengers try to secure their international flights beforehand even without their passports or while their passports are still invalid, in the hope of going through the formalities later. When you are making a reservation, the airline prefers to have your passport number on record. However, what should one do if they have not received one in their lifetime yet?

There are times where an airline may allow you to book an international flight without requiring you to input your passport number right away. You will probably be required to tick the acknowledgment of the fact that it is legal to require a valid passport for travel and that you will provide the information on a valid passport to them before the flight.

However, reserving an international ticket without a passport number in hand does carry major risks:However, reserving an international ticket without a passport number in hand does carry major risks:

As for fare rules, it is rather improbable that one will be able to modify or cancel the ticket without having to pay a steep penalty.

It also gives the airline the authority to cancel your reservations if you fail to provide your passport data within a stated time.

You may be locked out of online check-in or may be denied boarding passes if you have a disability.

It is possible to be a victim of a no-show at the very day that your flight departs.

It would also be advisable to ensure that you always have your visa-filled valid passport with you before flying over the seas. Getting into a position to try and book international travel with the hope of arriving using a passport is incredibly dangerous.

In Summary

A valid passport is required for all international trips, during ticket purchase and at the time of departure, when boarding. One has to produce their passport details in order to get an international ticket from an airline. All passengers are required by law to produce their government issued passports in person and present them during airline check in.

However, there are often pre-search options that let you look for fares before you enter passport details; but the passport numbers are required at some stage of the booking process. The carriers require such information to ensure they are able to recognize the passengers, adhere to the security measures, and finalize the international bookings. Thus, the author strongly advises to get a passport before getting a flight ticket to avoid a potential issue.

Thus, though it might be convenient to arrange flights without a passport number right away, you will have to present it sooner or later and, in most cases, it will be required before the booking is made. That is why approaching foreign travels without actual passports readily available for each traveler is a surefire way to ruin your eagerly awaited foreign trip.