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What Time Does Southwest Airlines Ticket Counter Open?

Southwest Airlines Company is one of the leading LCCs and has its operating base in the United States of America. Southwest airlines has a reputation for low ticket prices, having no set baggage fees, and free snacks; it is popular with both the business and casual traveler. In case you have a flight with Southwest Airlines, you may be asking yourself what time is possible to check into the airport and leave your baggage. If you need some relevant tips and information regarding the Southwest Airlines ticket counter opening time, then keep on reading the passage given below.

Southwest Ticket Counter Hours Southwest Airlines ticket counters usually open ninety minutes before the first flight is scheduled to take off from that airport. For instance, if the first flight is offered in the morning at 6AM in the Dallas Love Field, the ticket counters for Southwest will open at 4:30AM. This 90 minute lead time provides Southwest passengers with adequate time to check in their baggage, get their boarding passes, and go through screening for security.

There are even cases where, due to the size of the airport, the ticket counters can be opened 60 minutes before the first flight of the day. And at a few locations in at least bust stations like Chicago Midway, ticket counters open up as early as two hours before departure if there are numerous early flights from the airline. Therefore, if you want to be specific with the time to arrive then check your airport and look at the time of the first flight of southwest. This way, having the specified time of 90-120 minutes before arrival ensures safety is in place.

Another way is to visit the official website of Southwest airlines and check the working hours of your particular airport’s ticket counter. Just type on your computer the web address Southwest. com and type in the name of your airport. Under the Airport Info, find out information regarding the ticket counter. This will also clear a lot of fog that is currently surrounding when employees start checking in passengers.

Checking Bags Another key importance of ensuring that you get to the ticket counter early is that it is the only opportunity you get to check your luggage. Southwest permit passengers to take free checked baggage with them but this baggage must be of a certain size and weight. Following the company’s policy of checking baggage at the ticket counter, arriving early with your checked suitcases will suffice to provide Southwest baggage handlers with enough time to sort and transfer luggage to the right plane. This negates delayed or lost bags.

If you arrive at the ticket counter with less than forty-five minutes left before the flight departs, Southwest may not accept your baggage for checking. The check-in personnel require adequate time to upload all the checked baggage on the plane before it can take off. So add a big safety margin when choosing when to arrive to check-in bags.

Snagging Business Select Forbes also established that Southwest Airlines allows passengers to purchase an upgrade to Business Select fare in order to secure more benefits. These privileges include a better boarding group number, free choice of in-flight alcoholic beverages, extra points in the Rapid Rewards program, and capability to stand by for an earlier flight without any cost.

Business Select is available sparingly in every flight and hence is a very special product. If you want to improve your chances of attaining this superior rate, be at the ticket counter right on the opening hour. Don’t be shy and be among the first to talk to the ticket agent and enquire if there is an option for Business Select upgrade for your flight. It would be wise to ask for a specific upgrade well before check-in time to secure the desired room.

Priority Lanes Some targeted locations of the Southwest Airport have priority single lanes or premium lines just beside the principal ticket counters. These priority queues accommodate Southwest’s preferred clientele and passengers who require some form of assistance. If you are eligible for priority take to the priority lane if you come across one! The priority line is often much faster than the general lines and is usually given to clients with special needs or in a hurry. Hand over your valid ID and your priority access documents to the particular service counter attendant.

Entering the Airport It is wise to plan for sufficient time that will enable one arrive at the Southwest ticket counter once opened, and also enough time to check through airport security. The time spent at the security checkpoints is not constant as it highly depends on the hour and the number of travelers. For example, regular and expected wait times at TSA checkpoints in LAX often exceed 60 minutes due to understaffing. Check TSA social medial accounts and your airport website for real-time updates on the wait times for security lines. Passengers traveling domestically should aim to get to the security check point at least 90 minutes before the boarding time.

I should also note that Southwest does not number seats as in other airlines, instead they divide passengers into three groups, A, B, and C, and when passengers check in they are assigned a position within their group. This is because whenever you get to the airport early when the ticket counter is opened, you stand a better chance of being offered a position in the A group. The best seats are served to those who board on the carrier at an earlier time than others on the flight. So do not be idle or procrasti- nate on the way to the airport!

The details above should help you understand when to get to the airport the next time you will be flying on Southwest Airlines. Altogether, one should plan to arrive at the place where the ticket is checked around ninety minutes before boarding the plane to provide enough time for all the procedures. Modify this time to incorporate the arrivals/departures time of an airport, time spent on handling check-in luggage, time spent on security check lines, and the preferred boarding position. Good luck with your journey and have a great flight on Southwest!